Goat Simulator: Locations of All Goat Trophies

Goat Simulator: Locations of All Goat Trophies

There are 60 golden goat trophies hidden in Goat Simulator. We’ve outlined the locations in Goatville and Goat Bay City so you can collect all the collectibles.

All Goat Trophies in Goatville

Goatville has 30 goat trophies. Finding them all rewards you with the “Try Hard” trophy. Some of these collectibles are well hidden, so here’s a breakdown of each location:

Location #1
In the tower within the enclosure at the spawn point, you’ll find the first golden goat in the first window.

Location #2
Climb to the top of the crane! Ideally, use the jetpack, but careful hopping can also get you there.

Location #3
At the hut with the fans, jump in to be launched upwards. You should see the golden trophy on the lower power line as you fly. Precision landing is required!

Location #4
Near the school, behind a medium-sized hut, you’ll find another collectible.

Location #5
A trophy is on the school’s roof. Use the trampoline at the pool to reach it. At the bell tower, activate ragdoll mode to reach the trophy under the bell.

Location #6
Behind the cornfield near the UFO site, there’s a pit with a golden trophy on the edge.

Location #7
Another Goatville collectible is beneath the water slide.

Location #8
Near the wrestling match, find a trophy near the fence.

Location #9
At the party, follow the path to the “Boulder of Death.” Behind it is a golden goat trophy.

Location #10
In the “Low Gravity” building, jump onto the steel beams to find a golden trophy on the edge.

Location #11
On the Low Gravity building’s roof, look under a rotating steel beam for another trophy.

Location #12
In the Low Gravity building, jump onto the big fans. Halfway up is a small fan that will propel you into a shaft with a goat trophy.

Location #13
To the right of the wine-red combine harvester, find a golden trophy.

Location #14
At the pentagram under the power pole, you’ll find another trophy.

Location #15
Near the half-finished building, climb to the roof to spot a golden trophy on a wooden platform.

Location #16
In the cornfield, a huge tree holds a trophy at its roots.

Location #17
On the cornfield’s edge is a small hut with another golden statue.

Location #18
At the developer area, after a game of Flappy Goat, find a trophy on a desk.

Location #19
On the studio roof, check the chimney for a goat trophy.

Location #20
On the diving board at the pool, find another collectible by the stairs.

Location #21
Inside the blue container on the giant crane, find a trophy behind a robot. Headbutt the robot and grab it.

Location #22
In another blue container near the construction site, find the next trophy.

Location #23
Behind the protesters’ stage is another golden goat.

Location #24
In the gas station workshop, look near a shelf for the trophy.

Location #25
In a nearby house, find the trophy in the second bedroom’s alcove, near a PC.

Location #26
In the greenhouse by the pool, find the trophy on the floor.

Location #27
On a roof near the power lines, find the next collectible in a hut with fans.

Location #28
Run up the tower at the starting point, go through the door, and find a trophy on crates in the goat castle.

Location #29
Climb to the top of the power pole near the starting point for the next trophy.

Location #30
Between the small garden party and the pool, find a golden goat statue in a tree.

All Goat Trophies in Goat Bay City

The Goat Bay City map, added in an update, has 30 more golden goat trophies. Collect them all to unlock the “I love goats, man!” trophy. Here’s where to find each one:

Location #1
In a pink house with a terrace pool, near the wind turbines, find a trophy on a wooden cabinet.

Location #2
In a white house on a higher level, find the trophy on the bedroom’s bedside table.

Location #3
At the bike race start, in a yellow house, find a trophy on the middle balcony.

Location #4
In the second white house, with orange walls inside, find a trophy on the dresser to the right.

Location #5
Under the big bridge near the dam, find a statue on the ground along the wide path.

Location #6
At the dam, near the large tanks, find a trophy on a catapult.

Location #7
After taking the elevator, find a golden statue on the left walkway.

Location #8
At the fair’s “Rotator” attraction, find the golden statue there.

Location #9
In the cashier’s house in front of the fair, climb up for a trophy.

Location #10
Opposite the fair, find a golden goat hidden in tall grass near a green house.

Location #11
Between two red houses opposite the fair, find a golden statue between pipes.

Location #12
On a water tower opposite the fair, find a trophy at the top.

Location #13
Jump from Club Nubiaa onto a wooden walkway by the river to find the next golden goat.

Location #14
Behind the Put-in Hotel, find a trophy behind a partition.

Location #15
Jump into the water left of the Put-In Hotel entrance and find a trophy on a table in a stone tube.

Location #16
Break a shop window opposite the Put-In Hotel for another collectible.

Location #17
In the Put-In Hotel’s lobby, find the golden goat on a table between green sofas.

Location #18
On the roof of the bar facing the fair, find another collectible.

Location #19
On the billboard opposite the Put-In Hotel, jump to find a golden goat.

Location #20
Near the Put-In Hotel parking spaces, use a fan to reach a rooftop for a trophy on a metal platform.

Location #21
At the skate park, find a trophy in the gallery on the trash can.

Location #22
On the climbing course’s top platform, find another golden statue.

Location #23
Near the beach bouncy castle below the rollercoaster, find a trophy on a rock near the water.

Location #24
On a boat behind the Ferris wheel, find another collectible.

Location #25
On a boat near the Put-In Hotel, find a trophy in the middle of the island the boat takes you to. Be sure to “lick” the boat, or you may fall off!

Location #26
Behind the wind turbines, in the cemetery, find a golden statue.

Location #27
On the roof across from the Put-In Hotel, jump into the alley behind the building, then hop over the fence to find a trophy in the fenced area.

Location #28
To the left of the tunnel leading to Atory City, find a trophy on the ground.

Location #29
From the roof of the Put-In Hotel, jump down from the stage to the left to reach a balcony with a pool. A goat trophy is on a nearby ledge.

Location #30
On the roof opposite the Put-In Hotel, jump across the alley to the next building. To the left of the green wall, you’ll find a balcony with the final golden statue of Goat Bay City.

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